Hair loss is an issue that causes frustration and anguish for a lot of men and women who experience it at different times in their lives. Many people associate baldness and hair loss with aging, and it can be very distressing for an individual to discover they are losing their hair; often a person’s hair will start thinning from a very young age and this can cause severe confidence issues and affect the quality of life that they enjoy.
Hair loss can be caused by a variety of causes; some are genetic, some are hormonal, but many others can be caused by outside factors you may not have previously considered. Here we describe the main types of baldness and discover the reasons behind them and a solution: hair transplantation. Study our take on hair transplant costs and apply for an unbinding free consultation. To make that informed decision read more on FUE-2 hair treatment procedure.
Androgenetic alopecia
This type of hair loss is the most common and can be experienced by both men and women of varying ages. It is commonly known as “pattern baldness” and is a natural example of baldness that is often hereditary. The hair will usually thin at the front with a bald area on the crown that increases over time. It is generally considered a side-effect of old age but some people can experience it as young as in their twenties.
Cicatricial alopecia
This is a type of alopecia that can occur in men or women of any age. It can be identified by bald areas, usually round that can appear anywhere on the head. Usually there is some irritation of skin which causes the hair follicle to scar and stop producing new hairs. This condition can quite often cause permanent hair loss as sometimes the damage to the hair follicle is too great to fully repair.
Alopecia areata
Alopecia areata can affect both men and women who otherwise show no signs of ill health. This type of alopecia can vary greatly in severity; in very extreme cases it can cause total loss of all body hair. This condition can subside and even go into remission with time. There is usually very little irritation experienced.
Traction alopecia is a form of hair loss that is caused by an individual who has a compulsion to pull and tug on their own hair; usually the hair is pulled out by force and can cause permanent damage if repeated over time. This condition is a psychological one that requires medical help to overcome. It is more common in children, who frequently can grow out of the practice with time.
Poor nutrition
In order for the overall health of your body to be maintained it is important to eat a diet that is rich in a variety of nutrients and vitamins. Those who have a very poor diet, and also some sufferers of eating disorders, often find that their hair can thin considerably and fall out increasingly more. A diet rich in Vitamin A can often help alleviate the condition and restore growth.
Scalp infection
A scalp infection is usually either bacterial or fungal and can often be a side-effect of ringworm. It causes extreme irritation to the scalp resulting in tender sores; this then makes the hair more susceptible to falling out. It can be remedied with correct medication and usually the hair grows back.
Hair loss can often be an unfortunate side-effect, and early indicator, of other diseases. Hair loss is common amongst those with lupus, as the disease affects many areas of the body and causes skin and scalp problems. Diabetes is another disease that can often cause hair loss; this is due to poor circulation in the body which causes hair to grow at a slower rate than normal.
Traction alopecia
Traction alopecia is hair loss that is caused by excessive hair styling and treatments that cause the existing hair to be pulled on for long periods of time. It is commonly associated with hair extensions and can occur in many people who wear hair weaves. The continual tension and tugging on the hair causes the follicle to become weaker and the scalp can often be sore to the touch.
Telogen effluvium
Telogen effluvium is a condition where there is disruption of the usual hair growth cycle which results in a general thinning of the hair, as opposed to specific bald areas. Hair will be shed before it has reached the end of its natural lifetime and replacement hairs will not grow quickly enough. It is often caused by a stressful event such as a pregnancy or bereavement; usually the condition subsides after a period of time and the hair starts to grow again as normal.
Hormonal changes
Hormonal changes can account for hair loss in both men and women, although women tend to have increased chances of hormonal imbalance and are more vulnerable. Period cycles, pregnancies and the onset of the menopause all cause hormone levels to vary; one side-effect of this can potentially be hair loss. As there is no permanent damage caused to the hair follicle, people with this condition usually find that hair growth returns to normal as the hormone levels balance back out after time.
Medical treatments
As many of us know, chemotherapy treatment for cancer illnesses can often cause extensive or total loss of hair for patients. This is because the chemotherapy can’t distinguish between which cells are being attacked so hair cells are diminished quickly, leading to rapid hair loss. After treatment is completed the hair will usually grow back after time, although it may be a different colour or texture than it was previously. Other illnesses, such as thyroid disorders, can also cause temporary hair loss.
Unfortunately many medications that people commonly take can often affect the delicate balance of hormones inside the human body resulting in increased hair loss. Some medications that are prescribed for psychological problems, such as bipolar disorder, can often have this effect. For women who take a regular birth control, the varying hormone levels experienced may also cause thinning of the hair.